Wednesday, April 30, 2014

SuperBlayze's Birthday Party

My sweet nephew, Blayze, turned 2 last Friday.  I can't tell you how amazingly neat it is that my sister and I have two boys so close in age.  Birthdays of family members are always great to celebrate, but since we've had these two little guys around the partying has went to a new level.  My sister has done a great job with organizing his first two parties.  You can read about last year's birthday here.  This year we celebrated at Pump It Up.  With a superhero theme, yummy food, a crazy cool cake, and all kinds of inflatables, it was a party made from little kid's dreams.  Thanks Jordan, Chelle, and Blayze for such a fun time.  Oh and Blayze, you make me one proud auntie.

As you may see...Blayze & Cooper loved the wind tunnel.  As for Jude, well... 

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

A Little Song from Jude

We try our best to keep a consistent nighttime routine with Jude.  It mostly consists of reading a book (or a few), singing our ABC's, singing "Yes, Jesus Loves Me", and saying our prayers together.  We caught Jude on video singing this evening.  It was so precious and I never want to forget moments like these.  My longing is that Jude experiences the love that Matt & I have for him, and realizes that his Heavenly Father loves him just as much and more.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Easter 2014

Easter...a precious day to remember the sacrifice and love of Christ our Savior.  Sometimes the holiday part kind of takes over the meaning.  For us, the little stressors added to the holiday look like this...the planning of outfits, the church productions, the egg hunts, the easter basket planning, the family get-togethers, making food for a fabulous holiday dinner, etc.  Don't get me wrong, I love all of these things, but sometimes the focus on what it is most important can get hazy.  I caught myself really upset and even crying yesterday morning, because things were not going as smoothly as I had planned (and anyone who really knows me, knows I can easily get stressed when things are not as I expect them to be...eeeek! Type A personality, maybe?!?!).  Anyways, I took a moment and just asked God to forgive for being so selfish.  I mean, this is supposed to be the day that I focus on His completley unselfish love for me, and here I am upset that I don't have the food prepared, my son bathed, and myself dressed in a timely manner.  So after repenting and taking a few breaths, I gathered myself together and it actually ended up being a really special Easter.  I had such a lovely time in the presence of God at church.  Jude loved his Easter baskets (yes, that is meant to be plural...he gets plenty of love around here) and he had way more than his share of candy.  We all had the best time at our church's Easter egg hunt.  The eggs were actually delivered via helicopter...making it definitely the best egg hunt we've ever been to.  We hope you all had a blessed weekend and were able to make special memories too.  Happy Easter!

 Too pressure...all of this waiting. ;)

Baby #2 is on the Way!!!

We just wanted to say our little space that we get share a glimpse of our excited we are to announce that baby #2 is on the way.  Being a parent is truly a blessing from God, and we are privileged to now have the chance to raise two children.  We expected this to happen a lot sooner, but know that God's timing is perfect and a lot more reliable than our plans.  Thank you to everyone that has celebrated this news with us.  This baby is already well-loved.