Tuesday, February 11, 2014

It's Matt's Birthday!

Today is Matt's birthday.  I love celebrating the man I love and get to share my life with.  In order to avoid sounding like a sappy birthday card, I will try to keep the romantic talk to a minimum.  However, I must say that this man is a true blessing to me.  I have not been the easiest woman to live with over the past month (and that's another story for another time), but he has been loving and attentive.  This isn't out of the ordinary either.  And not only is he great to me, but he is so good with our Jude.  I hope Jude realizes what a treasure he has in a dad.  Oh, and if Jude turns out to be like Matt, he certainly will be doing more than alright.  There are many aspects of Matt that I could tell you about (i.e. the intense passion he has for Christ, his mad teaching skills, the out-of-this-world youth pastor he is, his outrageous sneaker collection, his handy dandy DIY abilities), but I need to get back to celebrating with him.  So happy birthday, Matt!  Let's celebrate (and hopefully that includes cake).  ;)

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