Monday, December 31, 2012

Resolving to Love

A lot of goal making going on around here at the Wilson household.  The clean slate that comes along with a new year is kinda invigorating, isn't it?  On the down side, sometimes the yearly resolutions sound the same...get in shape, eat healthy, get organized, read the Bible more, spend more time in prayer, be more charitable, etc.  Nevertheless, it is gratifying on the last day of the year to find that you kept a resolution all year long.  Although not a lofty goal, I actually did not drink regular cola all year long.  That's right, diet cola and I became real acquainted in 2012 (I told you it was not a lofty goal). ;)

I won't bore you with all of our 2013 goals, but I would like to share one.  The recent tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary, reminded us of how in need this world is for more love and kindness.  This resolution is hard to make measurable, but making a conscience effort to be kind everyday is one of our top goals.  People are hurting and troubled.  We may be the only light of hope they may see.  We don't want to miss an opportunity to show the love of God to them.  So whether it is writing a thoughtful card, paying for the car behind us in the drive-thru, saying a kind word to a will be displayed through us.

The following pictures are of some great people doing just that...showing a little love and kindness.  Our youth for the past four years have met at 3:30am on Christmas morning to make breakfast to feed over one hundred homeless men.  I think the most amazing thing is that we don't have to beg them to do so.  They actually love doing this.  Did I mention this is on Christmas morning?   

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