Yep, it's that time of year again...back-to-school time, that is. Matt has actually been in his classroom for three weeks now and I started teaching this past Tuesday. We feel very blessed to work in a field that we both love and enjoy. And guuuuys, I have to add that it is so nice having a spouse that is in the same line of work. When we have our evening discussions about how our day was, we can completely empathize and have some understanding of where we each are coming from....and that is just too good sometimes. Matt is still in the 7th grade classroom this year, although he did move to a new room. I have went back to teaching in 2nd grade and THAT makes me super happy. 2nd grade just rocks. I look forward to making an impact on these kiddos this year. All in all, getting back to teaching is not that bad, but I can't say that I am ever excited to see summer come to an end though. Leaving my Jude just doesn't get any easier...even knowing that he perfectly good hands with his grandma. It does make coming home each day so much sweeter. :)
2nd Grade
7th Grade
love it all =) blessings for a successful year!