Monday, January 21, 2013

Hello, Again

Hi there!  No, we haven't disappeared or left the country.  Our long, unintentional, blog hiatus was due to a lot of sickness going on around here. :(  We just can't seem to catch a break lately.  Jude had his first trip to Urgent Care last week to find out he had a double-ear infection.  I contracted the flu for the second time this season.  Matt has not been functioning quite at 100% either.  Pretty depressing, right?!?!  However, it seems that now we are on the up and up *knock on wood*.

In order to lift our spirits, we decided to get out of the house this past weekend.  Matt had been wanting to visit the Dead Sea Scrolls Exhibit at the Cincinnati Museum Center, so that was where we spent a large part of our Saturday.  We couldn't take pictures in the actual exhibit...preservation and all, but we did take some before and after.  On a side note: this exhibit was not the most "kid-friendly" and we knew that going into it.  Thankfully, Jude decided to fall asleep in his stroller half-way through it. :)

Blurry pic inside the glow-in-the-dark store.

Jude was getting a glimpse of the children's museum...of which we promised to take him to soon

He got a lot out of this visit ;)

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