There are many things that I love about my grandma...her spunk and quick wit, her cooking, her artistic abilities, her devotion to Papaw and her family, her passion for God and unwavering faith...but what I will miss the most will hands down be conversations with her. Anyone that has been around Mamaw, let’s say at least 5 minutes, will tell you she is a talker. She is the kind of talker that if you were ever disconnected during a phone conversation with her, it would take her a good minute or two for her to realize that she was alone on the line. THIS is what I loved most about her. Not the things she would spoil me with or places she would take me, but the talks with her. As I sat beside her in the bed on Saturday morning...her phrases and her words began to run through my mind. I am going to share a few with you that she said more than once to me.
- I would often get to go with her on her weekly trips to the thrift store. As soon as we would get in the car she would say, “Here is a wet wipe. Always clean your hands when leaving the thrift store.”
- Her driving was always my kind of driving...quick. When pulling out of a parking space she would often say, “Is anything behind me, except a Mac truck?”
- “Help me string these beans.” She taught me how to do this well, although I was never able to work as fast as her. But this is definitely was one phrase that was on repeat during the summer. Papaw’s garden kept us busy.
- “Did you know there are 31 chapters in Proverbs? Since most months have 31 days, it would be a good idea to read a chapter/day.”
- While discussing a problem of mine with her she would usually interrupt in the middle of the conversation and say, “Let’s pray about it.”
- “Do you want to go to Tom’s for lunch? They have the best root beer, burgers, and onion rings.” She was definitely right about that, too.
- Anytime I would ask if she could do anything on a Saturday her reply was always, “You know it’s Saturday and this is the day I study for my Sunday School lesson.” She took her Sunday School class seriously.
- After staying all night with her, in the morning she would often say, “Let’s go down to the church. I am going to pray.” Although I’m not sure how much praying she accomplished seeing as I was usually attempting to play the piano the entire time.”
- “Always honor your family and let your husband be your leader.” She not only said this to me, but she also lived it out in front of me.
- Lastly, the phrase that meant the most to me was the one she told me the most, “Jessica, I am so proud of you. I am so glad you love the Lord.”
As I say goodbye to her here on earth I would like to say those words back to her. “Mamaw, I’m so proud of you. I could not be more proud to call you “my grandma”. Thank you for your legacy. Proverbs 31 defines the virtuous woman...which I happen to think you are the epitome of. In verse 28 it says "her children shall rise up and call her blessed." Today i want to honor you by telling you that you were blessed. You challenged my life and I will forever be changed by you. I love you and can’t wait to meet again soon.”